5 Ways to Give an Active Send Off to Daylight Savings


Make the most of every moment

On the west coast, we embrace the concept of our endless summer. We start with the sandy, sun-kissed summer activities sometime shortly after Easter, and cling to our long, warm days until the end of Daylight Savings Time.

This year, Daylight Savings Time will conclude at 2 AM on Sunday, November 1, 2015. *Don't forget to turn back your clocks and medical devices!*

 Our friends throughout the country have been wearing their sweaters and admiring fall leaves for weeks now, and it will soon be our turn to join them in the seasonal festivities (weather permitting!) in just a little over a week.

**Note: Unless you're in Arizona (or somewhere else that has left daylight savings in the rearview), in which case: you just keep doin' you.

The days have already begun to shorten and cool, and the holiday treats will soon flood our homes and offices. Exercising in the darkness of the early morning or after-work evening will tumble down the priority list as parties and jubilant events take their place at the top.

Before we start thinking about how to stay balanced in the coming seasons, let's celebrate this remaining week of uninhibited outdoor activity. 

Here are some activities to squeeze in before we make the true transition to fall:



Whether you prefer mountain hikes (or bikes!) where the air is thinner, or laps around your local outdoor track, soak up the end of DST sunshine by getting outdoors. Heading out in the early morning light to enjoy the solitude can be a treat, as is grabbing your partner or friend to get in your steps in the twilight. Either way, you're taking advantage of the bonus sun hours! 


Depending on where you call home, the time for (outdoor) swimming may have already passed. If you are still enjoying warmth in your area, hop in the pool and log those laps! With the shorter, cooler days ahead, pool owners across the country are rolling out the covers until next year. Jump in before it's too late! 


There really isn't anything quite like outdoor yoga. The sun on your face and grass/sand on your mat only comes around in the spring/summer. Even if the only pose you are feeling today is Savasana (corpse pose), your body will thank you for the mental and physical benefits of stretching out in the sunshine.


Make the last beach trip of the season and get to digging! Not only is building a sandcastle fun and nostalgic, but it can also be a great calorie burner. Moving out the sand while alternating sides provides a workout for your obliques, and running around on the sand gathering shells for the castle grounds will get your blood pumping and promote ankle strength and stability.


Take a cue from the kiddos and have some good old-fashioned fun. Throw a frisbee, jump rope, swing a hula hoop, and whatever else you enjoyed at recess as a child. These activities are fun, functional, and best enjoyed while the days are long and weather is pleasant. 

There you have it, folks. Enjoy what remains of Daylight Savings Time and get ready to welcome all that the heart of fall has to offer!