Why You Need a Primary Care Physician (Even if You Love Your Endo)
Do you have a doctor?
Seriously. Do you have a doctor? A general practitioner (GP), primary care provider (PCP), internal medicine doctor, family physician, physician assistant (PA) or nurse practitioner (NP) that you see regularly?
For young people, annual physicals and health insurance coverage may seem expensive, or even unnecessary (not to mention a total drag to think about). Your parents can’t drag you to the pediatrician any longer, and the days of dropping in for a quick visit to the on-campus health center are in the past, but you're not off the hook. Yet, the cost of healthcare can be prohibitive for a recent graduate. These factors make it less likely for young adults to proactively pursue care.
According to a poll conducted by the American Association of Family Physicians, 66% of Americans aged 18-26 have a usual place of care, and an even smaller percentage reported seeing the same health care provider (as opposed to urgent care, community clinics, or emergency room visits). With many health plans offering financial incentive to take advantage of pop-in clinics versus creating a rapport with a consistent clinician, it’s easy to see where it may not feel like an urgent need.
Additionally, if you’re living with type 1 diabetes, you might feel like a solid endocrinologist is all you need to get by. Yes, having an endo you trust to take point on T1D is important…BUT it doesn’t mean you don’t also need a PCP. Living with a chronic illness can sometimes make it feel like that is the only thing that needs your attention, but that is only one piece of your overall health.
Your endo is there to provide specialty care and support around your diabetes. Your PCP is there to keep an eye on everything else and make sure you are doing well in a “big picture” sense. They may also coordinate with your endo, share lab results, and support the other areas of your health that may be affected by your diabetes but don’t necessarily fall under the area of your endo’s care. We’ve all met PCPs who don’t seem to have a handle on what it’s like to actually live with diabetes, but please don’t let that keep you away. Keep trying until you find the right fit!
With all of that in mind, why else should you help build the ranks of your doctor-visiting peers? I’m going to hit you with the top two reasons: building a relationship with a doctor who knows your medical history (and can refer to, and coordinate care with, any specialists you may need to see), and receiving preventive care. Besides those two very important reasons, your health insurance may require that you select a PCP (or they’ll choose one for you). Wouldn’t you rather choose for yourself? This may look a bit different for you depending on the type of coverage you have (PPO/HMO/POS/EPO, etc.), but let’s just focus on the key points for the moment.
Build a relationship with a doctor who knows you
Building a strong relationship with one doctor who possesses a broad general knowledge of medicine and is aware of your medical history is important. You should be seeing that provider on (at least) an annual basis. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that your health insurance policy cover an annual wellness visit/physical/check-in at no additional cost to you, so be sure to actually follow through and schedule.
Visiting that doctor on an annual basis isn’t just beneficial because it provides you with the comfort and pride of knowing you are taking responsibility for your health (go you!), but also because that doctor will have a baseline from which to compare any changes, however minor, which can lead to earlier identification of issues that need further attention.
Another way to look at this relationship is that your primary care provider (PCP) is the home base of all medical care. If you need a referral to a specialist for an acute illness or chronic condition, that’s the place to start. Any specialists, labs, or nurse educators that you visit can send your records and chart notes back to home base for review and coordination, leaving you free to focus on taking care of yourself instead of chasing paperwork.
It’s all about prevention, baby
This next service that your PCP provides is good for your wallet, well-being, and longevity. Ready? Two words: preventive care. Shifting your vision of wellness to reach beyond disease prevention to health promotion doesn’t just set you up for better physical health, but improved overall quality of life, and it all starts at that annual physical where a basic examination and biometric screenings take place.
Preventive care screenings catch irregularities early, which offer the opportunity for improved prognosis. In addition, preventive care visits are also a great time to ask questions and become more educated about your chronic condition risk and/or management, vaccinations, or any other topic about which you would like more information.
It’s your body and your health. You get one chance at taking the best possible care of yourself, so go ahead and ask the questions that embarrass you. Trust me, your doctor has heard it all and if they make you feel weird about it, maybe they’re not the right match for you at this point in your life anyway.
While you cannot rely on a healthcare professional to manage your health for you (we’ll talk self-efficacy/patient advocacy another day), it is vitally important to have a doctor on your team that you trust to have your best interests at heart. Coordination of care is an often understated, yet valuable service your PCP can provide, especially if you have any specific health challenges or live with chronic illness. A good relationship with your physician opens the lines of communication and provides a solid foundation upon which to build lifelong positive health behaviors.
Convinced but don’t know how to start the process of finding that point person for your healthcare team? Work with GraceMark Wellness on getting your care aligned with your needs. Book a free call to get information on what to consider when looking to get started with a healthcare provider in your area, or address any other questions you may have.